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Life Transitions

Life is full of challenges and changes. These life transitions, even the positive ones, can throw us into a tailspin and leave us feeling stressed, confused, and vulnerable. It can often be helpful to have supportive counseling while navigating these changes.

With crisis and change can come opportunity. Change gives us the opportunity for personal growth. With each new challenge, we can develop new personal skills and obtain a greater awareness of ourselves, our values, and our priorities. This in turn can improve our lives in ways we previously could not imagine.

Sometimes we can handle change and adversity by ourselves and sometimes we need a little help. This practice is here to lend that helping hand and offer a warm and encouraging space where you can speak candidly and receive care, compassion and guidance.

Health Issues

Whether you are struggling with general health concerns or dealing with a chronic illness, sometimes therapy can be helpful. Health is essential to overall wellbeing. However, a person's wellbeing is reliant not just on physical health, but also on mental health. The body and mind are connected and can impact one another.

A chronic illness is never something we plan for. But one day we get a diagnosis from our healthcare provider, and suddenly, our world, and the world of our loved ones, is turned upside down. Things we were once able to do, we may no longer be able to. Plans we once made, we may no longer be able to keep. Our positive emotions are often replaced by negative ones like fear, stress, anger, shame, and low self-worth.

While everyone experiences negative emotions from time to time, chronic negative emotions can impact our physical health, and make it that much harder for us to cope with an illness or find any joy in life.

Therapy can help identify your feelings, perceptions, and limiting beliefs surrounding your health or chronic illness. We can work to understand the origins of any damaging thought patterns, and create new positive thoughts and habits that will help bring you more peace and overall wellbeing for best quality of life.

Relationship Struggles

Are you worried about your relationship? Do you feel that you and your partner are drifting apart? Do you continuously find yourself in toxic relationships? Do you struggle to connect with others?

If you have been having any of these kinds of thoughts and feel at a loss, it may be helpful to explore these concerns further with a therapist.